sreda, 22. februar 2017

Crying over a Peanut Butter

Hey there!

It's been quite a while since my last post. Many things has change, however I do feel that I am again at the same point as I've been in September. At August I broke up with a guy who was a narcisist and the relationship was really psycologically exhausting. When I look back at it, I think it was not so difficult for me to overcome the breakup stress, once I decided and really saw that the relationship was bad for me and my health.

About a month after a breakup I met very nice guy at the job. He was exactly my ex's opposite. We started slowly, since he was aware that I needed time and everything was just perfect. I found a person to talk to and I slowly fell in love with him. With him everything was so easy. People around us told me that we are made for each other.